Thursday, April 26, 2012

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Spring Break Wednesday

Spring Break continues. Today we had our usual Wednesday lunch date (this time at Friendly's) followed by a trip to Barnes & Noble for some hang time, and to find something Katherine would like to spend her allowance on.

At $2 per week, she won't be starting any libraries, but she found something she liked, and learned how far, or not-so-far, money really goes. So the learning begins.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Spring Break Tuesday

This is Katherine's Spring Break week and, like Patrick's, I am trying to schedule one fun (out of the ordinary, out of the house, kid preferred) activity each day.
Today, after lunch duty at Trinity, we headed to the public library for some down time. New computer activities, lots of books to check out, and a dress up box!